Batman Beyond #1 Gabriele Dell'Otto (Trade Dress)
Cover Artist: Gabriele Dell’OttoA Carnivore Comics & ComicTom101 Shared ExclusivePublisher: DC ComicsExclusive Cover Artist: Gabriele Dell'Otto
$7.99 USD $14.99 USD$7.99 USD$7.99 USD $14.99 USD -
Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1 (1:10) Design Incentive
Version: Incentive Ratio 1:10 Handling Time 1-3 Business Days
$8.99 USD $12.99 USD$8.99 USD$8.99 USD $12.99 USD -
Batman #181 (Simone Bianchi) Trade Dress LTD 3000 (1st Poison Ivy)
(1st App of Poison Ivy Reprint) Version: Trade Dress Artist: Simone BianchiPublisher: DC ComicsPrint Count: 3,000 copies In stock, handling...
$9.99 USD $14.99 USD$9.99 USD$9.99 USD $14.99 USD -
Omega Men #3 Facsimile (Raf Grassetti) Trade Dress Variant (1st app of Lobo)
Version: Trade Dress Artist: Raf GrassettiPublisher: DC ComicsPrint Count: 1,200 copies In stock, handling time 1-3 business days
$11.99 USD $14.99 USD$11.99 USD$11.99 USD $14.99 USD -
Wolverine #41 (Mico Suayan) Tradedress LTD 3000 (Jim Lee Homage)
Version: Mico Suayan Tradedress LTD 3000 Jim Lee X-Men #5 Homage Release Date: January 10th Preexisting orders for Wolverine #41...
$12.99 USD $19.99 USD$12.99 USD$12.99 USD $19.99 USD -
Batman #181 (Checkered Foil) 1966 Reprint 1st Poison Ivy
Print Count: 1000 1st Appearance Poison Ivy Version: Checkered Logo FoilPublisher: DC In Stock, handling time 1-3 days
$14.99 USD $19.99 USD$14.99 USD$14.99 USD $19.99 USD -
Wonder Woman #4 Glow in the Dark
Version: Glow in the Dark, x1 Book total (White image shown for alternate look) Print Count: 1,000Publisher: DC Comics In stock,...
$14.99 USD $19.99 USD$14.99 USD$14.99 USD $19.99 USD -
Batman #121 Gold Foil 1st Appearance of Mr. Freeze
Print Count: 500 Version: Gold FoilPublisher: DC
$14.99 USD $19.99 USD$14.99 USD$14.99 USD $19.99 USD -
Flash #4 Exclusive Glow in the Dark
Version: Glow in the Dark Print Count: 1,000Publisher: DC Comics In stock, handling time 1-3 business days
$14.99 USD$14.99 USD$14.99 USD -
Green Lantern #8 Glow in the Dark Logo
Version: Glow in the Dark (x1 book total, 2 images to show glow)Publisher: DC In stock, handling time 1-3 business days
$14.99 USD $19.99 USD$14.99 USD$14.99 USD $19.99 USD -
Batman #181 Ariel Diaz (Trade Dress) 1966 Reprint LTD 1400
Version: Trade Dress 1st Appearance Poison Ivy Cover Artist: Ariel DiazPrint Count: 1,400Publisher: DC Comics In Stock, handling time 1-3 business...
$14.99 USD$14.99 USD$14.99 USD -
Omega Men #3 (1st app. LOBO!) Santa Fung Virgin Variant
Version: Virgin Artist: Santa FungPublisher: DCPrint Count: 1,000 copies In stock, handling time 1-3 business days
$14.99 USD $19.99 USD$14.99 USD$14.99 USD $19.99 USD -
Omega Men #3 (1st app. LOBO!) Ben Templesmith Virgin Variant
Version: Virgin Artist: Ben TemplesmithPublisher: DCPrint Count: 1,000 copies In stock, handling time 1-3 business days
$14.99 USD $19.99 USD$14.99 USD$14.99 USD $19.99 USD -
Omega Men #3 (1st app. LOBO!) Bjorn Barends Virgin Variant
Version: Virgin Artist: Bjorn BarendsPublisher: DCPrint Count: 1,000 copies
$14.99 USD $19.99 USD$14.99 USD$14.99 USD $19.99 USD -
Batman #121 (Raf Grassetti) Trade Dress LTD 3000 1st Mr. Freeze
(1st App of Mr. Freeze Reprint) Version: Trade Dress Artist: Raf GrassettiPublisher: DC ComicsPrint Count: 3,000 copies In stock, handling...
$14.99 USD$14.99 USD$14.99 USD -
Aquaman #35 (Facsimile Color Foil Reprint) 1st Black Manta
(1st App of Black Manta Reprint) Version: Trade Dress, Foil Artist: Nick CardyPublisher: DC ComicsPrint Count: 1,000 copies In stock,...
$14.99 USD $19.99 USD$14.99 USD$14.99 USD $19.99 USD -
Omega Men #3 Facsimile (Raf Grassetti) Virgin Variant (1st app of Lobo)
Version: Virgin Artist: Raf GrassettiPublisher: DC ComicsPrint Count: 1,000 copies In stock, handling time 1-3 business days
$14.99 USD $19.99 USD$14.99 USD$14.99 USD $19.99 USD -
Green Arrow #1 (CW Licensed Logo Foil Variant) - LTD 750
Free Shipping to US on orders $125+ Version: Arrow #1 CW Licensed Logo Foil variant - LTD 750 Publisher: DC You will...
$15.00 USD $24.99 USD$15.00 USD$15.00 USD $24.99 USD -
Swamp Thing #1 (Lee Bermajo Virgin) Homage 1972 Reprint LTD 1000
Print Count: 1000 1st Appearance Alec Holland Version: Lee Bermajo VirginPublisher: DC In Stock, handling time 1-3 days
$17.99 USD $19.99 USD$17.99 USD$17.99 USD $19.99 USD -
Swamp Thing #1 PURPLE FOIL LOGO 1972 Reprint LTD 500
Print Count: 500 1st Appearance Alec Holland Version: Purple Logo FoilPublisher: DC In Stock, handling time 1-3 days
$17.99 USD $19.99 USD$17.99 USD$17.99 USD $19.99 USD -
Batman #181 Gold Logo Foil 1st Appearance of Poison Ivy
Print Count: 500 Version: Gold FoilPublisher: DC
$17.99 USD $19.99 USD$17.99 USD$17.99 USD $19.99 USD -
Duke #1 (Trade and Foil Set) x2 Books Total (Nimit Malavia Variant) LTD 1000
Version: Trade and Foil Set Artist: Nimit Malavia Handling Time 1-3 Business Days
$17.99 USD $24.99 USD$17.99 USD$17.99 USD $24.99 USD -
Nightwing #110 Exclusive (Glow in the Dark) LTD 999
Version: Glow in the Dark (x1 book total, 2 images to show glow) Print Count: 999Publisher: DC Comics In stock,...
$17.99 USD $19.99 USD$17.99 USD$17.99 USD $19.99 USD -
Green Arrow: Quiver #1 Reprint Foil Kevin Smith #1 - LTD 500
Free Shipping to US on orders $125+ Version: Green Arrow: Quiver #1 Reprint Foil Kevin Smith #1 - LTD 500 Publisher: DC...
$18.00 USD $24.99 USD$18.00 USD$18.00 USD $24.99 USD